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Why hash URIs should be banned

The Semantic Web excites me in a lot of ways. I love the way it makes network analysis manageable in an easy way. Reasoning is fantastic. Serving documents as well-described data with shared vocabularies is definitely the way to go. One can only admire the expressivity of SPARQL, the interoperability of Linked Data, the open standards and a lot of the open data initiatives that are bound to its use. I can go on for ages, I’m hooked, committed.


I know that I’m a rookie compared to the folks who were at the birth of the Semantic Web, but I think there’s still a lot of debatable stuff on some of the most basic intentions of Linked Data and the way it is or should be implemented. One of the core concepts is interoperability. By using common, easy to understand and open standards, data on the web should be both human and machine readable. This core requirement is undermined by a much used, but nefarious practice of using hashes (or actually, the number sign # in URIs.

Although the sign is officially named ‘number sign’, people tend to associate it more with a ‘hash’, especially since the use of Twitter ‘hash tags’, which are prepended with, technically, a number sign. So for clarity: where I use ‘hash sign’ or simply ‘hash’ below, I’m referring to ‘ASCII decimal 35’, which equates to HTML number &#35. The 35th character in the ASCII table. There are other words for the sign, but as URIs in Linked Data with ASCII decimal 35 in them are referred to as hash URIs, I will use the term ‘hash’.

Two examples

Slash URIs should, in my strong opinion, always be preferred over hash URIs. The issue can be illustrated by using two of my favorite vocabularies:

The slash URI

The Dublin Core vocabulary uses slash URIs for its RDF definitions, so the ‘creator’ definition is http://purl.org/dc/terms/creator. However you request this URI (or ‘dereference’ as the Semantic Webbists like to call it), it will fetch you the contents of this ‘creator’ definition, and nothing else. Its behaviour is predictable and consistent.

The hash URI

GeoSPARQL, on the other hand uses hash signs in its definitions. So: the definition URI for a geospatial feature is http://www.opengis.net/ont/geosparql#Feature. Its behaviour is different from the one of the Dublin Core RDF vocabulary. When requested, the http address of the definition has a hash in it, and by unfortunate design choices, the part after the hash never reaches the server. It was intended, in the HTML specification, as the lookup mechanism of an anchor on a page. So a HTML page http://mypage.com with a tag <a name="my_anchor"> has an anchor ‘my_anchor’. This can be looked up by the browser automatically, in a way that visiting http://mypage.com#my_anchor will jump to the HTML page section with this aforementioned tag. This is all well for web pages, but what about URIs?

Unreachable content

For http clients, such as web browsers, but also for JavaScript AJAX functions and tools such as cURL, the URI part after the hash sign, cannot possibly be retrieved directly. So, supposing you want to know the meaning of http://www.opengis.net/ont/geosparql#Feature, this cannot be done automatically. Instead, what the server sends you, is http://www.opengis.net/ont/geosparql, as the #Feature part of the URI will not be sent.

Server side

The upshot of this is that, some URIs cannot be served. An RDF store may contain the resource http://www.opengis.net/ont/geosparql#Feature, but it can never be served individually to a request. Instead, often the entire set of definitions, in this case the full GeoSPARQL vocabulary, will be sent by the server. Drama ensues.

Client side

Now imagine a web application that wants to know what this http://www.opengis.net/ont/geosparql#Feature means. What is its labelled value, its explanation, so to speak? It will have to fetch the entire vocabulary, in this case it is only served as XML. It will have to employ a library that loads the XML, parse the contents as RDF and fetch the specific http://www.opengis.net/ont/geosparql#Feature resource within it, that it wanted in the first place. This will create a lot of hassle for just one label and the complexity of the application is immediately increased considerably. This is not how the Semantic Web should work. Dereferencing a URI to get its label should be plain, simple, predictable and easy.

So in a nutshell

Hash URIs hamper the server side in limiting how it can be served. Servers have to be configured to serve the resource before the hash sign, or simply dump the data as one serialization. Hash URIs hamper the client, in that they can never be requested directly and they wil immensely increase code complexity. If content is served at all, it is most probably in a content type that wasn’t requested, as is the case with the GeoSPARQL vocabulary. Now where is the interoperability in that?


It is time to be done with hash URIs once and for all. Don’t use them. Standards that recommend them, such as the Dutch URI strategy, should be altered in favor of better interoperable slash URIs.

For some light reading